
Actions In Progress

Ann -  11/6/22 - Chester:  Teaching at Chester elementary/middle school - wants to include plastics work as part of their enrichment program; seeking seniors to tell stories about their plastic free lives (prior to plastics) for a multi-generational experience; NexTrex combined with celebration/ice cream after the 500# goal is achieved (late Spring); INHCC group might share Indigenous practices to support sustainable practices; long term goal of creating a documentary about sustainability (maybe collaborate with PWG?); tools, harvesting/planting, forest management/fires

Ann - 10/23/22 - Chester - Sustainability Fair - 400 middle schoolers - “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” presentation; uplifting to know that students had knowledge and excitement about using sustainable practices in their daily life; Nov. 9 talk coming up in Lee to 2nd graders; advancing to all grades; Lions Club partnership with NexTrex - received a bench for collecting 500# of plastic film; will repeat the program to host a celebration to raise visibility; pilot project with David Watters; asphalt plant rallies

Chester  - 10/9/22 - Ann: grateful for acknowledgement of Indigenous People’s Day; will pass on the NHICC meeting; appreciates articles that are sent on the listserve; uses in tabling; taking Beyond Plastics course; learned about Habits of Waste - tips on plastic reduction campaigns; 10.14 Sustainability Fair in Lee - 500 students will b there; presenting education on plastic reduction; 10.15 Trash Pick Up Day - Chester’s Plastics Working Group; committed to fighting the asphalt plant project; wrote an opinion piece in Concord Monitor on the subject; will go into 3rd grade classes and present on reducing, reusing plastic; Nov. 2nd screening on The Story of Plastic; part of Network Legislative Working Group; contacted David Waters proposing pilot electric bus bill

Chester –  9/25/22 - Ann: Tabling at the town’s 300th anniversary yielded interested folks including an active High School student; showcased ‘Plastic Monster’; Still working on trash collection day, but slow going 

Chester –  9/25/22 - Ann: tabling success; guest speaker in schools and met w/curriculum director; using plastic monster to great effect; David Waters pilot project for funding e-buses-funding from DES, DOT, VW; advanced recycling letter from Bonnie; MUL LTE planned 

Chester -  8/14/22 - Ann: Plastics Free Picnic organized but nobody came because of the heat wave. Going to be held next year. Wrote LTE that appeared in Concord Monitor. Wrote comment for the NHSWMP. Meeting with Chester Academy to talk about getting students more involved with environmental issues. Maybe starting an eco group or having students write bills, have students create signs, plastic free lunch day and urging cafeteria to switch to reusables.. Also working with Boy Scouts and Fire Department. Met Julia Logan who has gotten signatures on a petition for carbon cashback resolution. Ann joined the Conservation Commission. Is setting up meeting with Waste Management group so they can explain the waste process in Chester.

Chester -  6/19/22 - Ann:  Not doing Plastics Free July. Doing plastic free picnic with scavenger hunt where children will find items and decide whether something should be used or not used. Library will be showing two films for children. Hopes to work with their school on Plastics Free Schools. Suggested checking out work of Iona Elizabeth Johnson. Ann raised a question about our group having a pamphlet that can be used at different tabling events.

Chester -  5/8/22 - Ann:  working with Manchester Moves doing community gardening, planting Abenaki bean seeds, improving rail/trail hiking system.  Local librarians would like an evening to show Microplastic Madness, and will partner with the town's waste management director to discuss the town's plastics management.  If only 9% is recycled (vs. incineration or landfill) why recycle?  Why reward companies with keeping carbon in the ground?  We should be focusing on renewables.  Try to get her schools to use less plastic, and will ask Chester Dems to support a resolution against Plastic.  (Susan to give Ann info about the upcoming Citizens Climate Lobby meeting.)  Sent FERC comments against the Bow coal plant contract. 

Chester - 4/24/22 - Ann is learning; has been in touch with waste management team, but they are challenged by recycling; willing to work together; talked with state reps Wm Gannon & Jess Edwards; will craft a bottle bill with Ann; recorded 42.5 hours of trash pick up in Atkinson, Candia, and surrounding towns; working with Chester Dems on plastic actions; will table at 300th anniversary; needs info on Hopkinton reusables and access to Green Tips; wants to screen Microplastic Madness

Chester - 4/10/22 - (reported by Cindy) Ann has spoken with Chester’s ABI Waste Disposal, and is planning to contact the Solid Waste Committee and Conservation Commission to start the process of slowly petitioning Chester to reduce single use plastics. 

Chester - 3/7/22- Ann  - 40 hours of roadside garbage pick up - will focus on plastic; very visible

Actions Completed

Letter: A plastic-free July

by Ann Podlipny in the Concord Monitor. Published: July 13, 2022.