
Actions In Progress

Kennedy - 11/6/22 - Durham: - Continuing work with restaurants and Systems Thinking grants

Susan - 10/23/22 - Durham - attended Clean Energy NH - box lunch full of plastic; NH BSR shared about Ahold Delhaize (Dutch parent to Hannaford); working with UNH on measuring diversion rates at transfer station; interested in psychology of how municipalities impact behavior change for acceptance of change; Tom Sherman, Kat McGhee, David Watters talking on 10.25; Why Are My Electric Bills So High on 10.27 

Durham  10/9/22 - Kennedy: working on grant writing for Thinking in Systems

Durham - 10/9/22 - Susan: has been writing LTEs; Energy Expo - loved the restaurant cards; had 17 new people signing up for the Network; Oct. 26 panel will focus on high electric bills; Durham is creating a timeline for Recycle Right campaign; will be taking on plastics! Email to restaurants on ‘Hold the Plastics’ webinar; new restaurant in town wants to go plastic free; no nominations for managers; invited all to consider

Durham – 9/25/22 - Susan: Skill development events (e.g., LTE writing) for election – see email invite; Oct 1. Energy Expo –Bow NH tabling & presentation re NH Network and PWG; Durham solid waste committee beginning to consider plastics problems; UNH Sustainability Fellow idea -  Susan will talk with Cynthia W

Durham – 9/211/22 - Susan: Durham -Municipal Waste Committee – Recycle Durham campaign-interested in restaurant survey

Durham - 6/19/22 - Kennedy: doing research on microplastics in Great Bay. She has found two people to come to talk about microplastics at our meeting.

Durham - 5/8/22 - Susan: Recycle Right campaign to launch June 4 with Durham Day; applying for $1000 Seed grant from New England Grassroots Environment Fund.  Currently have compost accepted at our Transfer Station, but need ideas from others on how to get curbside compost collection for whole town.  Christina suggests the SEAREI website, WRAD compost initiative, Planted for the Planet in the Seacoast area, and a pilot with Mr Fox, gathering data.  (Susan will email Christina to learn more.)  Cynthia suggests  starting  a compost subgroup of Plastics WG – would bring in gardeners and farmers to our group

Durham - 3/27/22 - Susan will share foam recycling info with solid waste committee; will promote TTT at end of event; librarian is handling Earth Day event with HS students

Durham - 3/13/22 - Susan has been appointed to Solid Waste Committee; wants to increase recycling rate; wants to have a tractor trailer to collect styrofoam; meets 2x/week; encouraging ice cream shop to be plastic free; library display case opportunity, energy committee earth day collaboration.

Actions Completed

Opinion: Marine plastic pollution – we aren’t off the hook yet

By KENNEDY McGRATH for the Concord Monitor. Published June 12, 2022.
