The Why
While we await a comprehensive, evidence-based national approach to address the human, environmental, and economic costs of plastic throughout its lifecycle and comparable actions by the New Hampshire legislature to protect our children's future and our environment, local communities are left with the responsibility to take action to reduce plastic pollution that is harmful to our state's valuable natural resources and human health. The Ten Towns •Ten Actions Toolkit aims to address this disparity.
The How
The Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit originated in 2021 through discussions among the members of the New Hampshire Network Plastics Working Group in conjunction with guidance from Community Action Works. The campaign is intended to inspire actions at the community level to show that New Hampshire citizens care about reducing plastic pollution in our oceans, rivers, roadsides and community institutions, and to inspire local and state policy leaders to formally address the issue.
How You Can Help
Our Ten Towns • Ten Actions Leader Resource Team is available to guide you through the steps to implement the actions in the Toolkit using a framework focused on the areas of Policy, Engagement, and Infrastructure. To learn how you can begin taking action to reduce plastic pollution in your community, contact the New Hampshire Network Plastics Working Group at