Cindy Heath, Cornish
Phone: 603-543-1307 Town: Cornish
Retired municipal Parks & Recreation Director
Fiber Artist
UVM Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator
Ecological Landscape Designer
New Student of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge
Cornish Conservation Commission
Co-Facilitator of Living A Sustainable Lifestyle Talks
Vital Communities Climate Leadership Academy
Ten Towns Leader Resource Expertise:
Collection Events
High School Environmental Clubs
Creativity and Craftivism - Mesh Bag Mamas (see below)
Relevant Skills:
Graphic design, fiber art, writing, group facilitation, youth engagement, strategic planning, convening, grant writing, PR, website content development, social media, PPT design, Google Drive, Google Forms, NP leadership, Survey Monkey, holistic thinking, research, event planning
Cornish Conservation Commission
Vital Communities Climate Leadership Academy
Hanover Garden Club
Cornish Energy Committee
NH Recreation & Parks Association
Local listservs - Cornish, UV Climate Action
Social Media - Instagram, FB, Linked In
Mesh Bag Mamas © 2023
Theme Song by
Mary K. Armstrong
Mesh Bag Mamas Launch!
On Saturday October 21, 2023 from noon to 2:00 PM, Mesh Bag Mamas handed out a lot of bags at the Lebanon Co-op! The Co-op staff let us load up the demo counter across from the service desk with more bags for customers to take after we finished at 2 pm.
Customers were very appreciative, and some shoppers with large families in tow received several bags. Bags were distributed both at the entrance to the store and in the produce section. Thanks to Mike, Sandy & the Service Desk staff for the great support.
Three sets of bags were hung on display racks in the produce section as well — it will be interesting to see how long it takes for them to disappear!
We’ll be working with Mike from the Co-op Marketing Department to set a date for further distribution at the other Co-op stores. 50 bags were dropped off at the Upper Valley Food Co-op in White River Junction.
The Mesh Bag Mamas Theme Song Choir was in full performance mode, singing at the entrance and in the produce department to light applause by customers. The tallest singer in the video (link below) is Mary Armstrong from Harrisville, the song’s composer who traveled up from the Monadnock region.
Special thanks to the singers for putting it out there — Nancy Wightman, Colleen O’Niell, Phil and Judith Bush, and Katy Chaffee. And a shout out to Jan Kilfeather-Mackey and Patsy Beffa-Negrini — set up mavens and bag distributors extraordinaire.
Check out this link of the premier performance of the Mesh Bag Mama theme song! (It IS a catchy tune!)
All in all a fabulous effort, and so much gratitude to the Mesh Bag Mamas who joined us and to everyone who participated to get us to 847 bags! They looked great and we received a lot of compliments.
Kind regards,