The Ten Towns • Ten Actions Leader Resource Team is a group of volunteer educators, researchers, business and policy analysts, artists, community leaders, and health professionals who have successfully led plastic waste reduction efforts in their community. Each leader is available to help others implement actions in their own communities.


The Ten Towns • Ten Actions campaign was founded in 2021 by a group of volunteers who are committed to reducing plastic waste in New Hampshire, and supporting state legislation that works toward this end.

Meet the Leader Resource Team

The Ten Towns • Ten Actions Leader Resource Team members come from all over New Hampshire, from communities large and small.

Ann Podlipny


Christina Dubin


Gretchen Rae

Peterborough, Sharon

Cassie Lefleur

UNH Sustainablity Fellow

Join the team

We invite you to join us and become a Ten Towns Ten Actions Leader in your community. Whether you accomplish one action or ten actions, we want to hear from you.

Congrats to Beyond Plastics on its 5th Birthday! 

Our own Christina Dubin, Senior Organizer for Beyond Plastics, (top left) was featured in an email on January 24th highlighting Beyond Plastics' 5th year. We are enormously proud of Christina and feel so fortunate to have her as a member of the NH Network's Plastics Working Group!