Powerpoints, Films & Webinars
These PowerPoint presentations can be used and adapted to fit your needs. If you have a presentation that you would like to add to this resource, please email us at nhplasticwaste@gmail.com.
Films & Webinars
"Bag It" is recommended for tone and humor, but it is long and was done a few years ago so doesn’t emphasize the link to climate change and environmental justice.
Frontline’s “Plastic Wars” is excellent, 54 minutes running time and more recent (2020). But it’s pretty serious unlike Bag It.
“The Story of Plastic” has excellent content, but some people comment that it leaves them feeling discouraged.
“Microplastic Madness” is wonderful, but it does run more than an hour (maybe 70 mins?). It’s about the power of kids to motivate adults to make change. NOTE: We have an action in this toolkit about Microplastic Madness.
This link has a list of plastic related documentaries with descriptions: https://www.trvst.world/waste-recycling/plastic-pollution/11-plastic-documentary-films/
This link has some short films on plastic: https://www.storyofstuff.org/movies/plastic/
You Tube
Conservation Law Foundation - The Beverage Industry's Broken Promises
NH Lakes Association: Microplastics in Our Lakes - Feb 2022
Forever chemicals: The threat of PFAS in our water - CBS Sunday Morning 8.21.2022
Learn about Maine's Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Law